Record Details

NHER Number:19362
Type of record:Find Spot
Name:Multi-period finds


Fieldwalking and metal detecting between 1981 and 1992 recovered prehistoric flints and burnt flints, prehistoric, Roman, medieval and post medieval pottery fragments, Roman coins and a medieval coin.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TM 23 93
Map Sheet:TM29SW

Full description

1981/2 and 1982/3. Fieldwalking. Field Pightle (north and east edges only). Formerly Gallow Hill.
Context 1.
Prehistoric flint and pottery.
Roman,medieval and post medieval sherds.
Black soil patches.
See plans in file.
Identified by A. Gregory (NAU).
E. Rose (NAU), 28 July 1983.

1983/4. Extension of fieldwalking to west. Context 2.
Prehistoric flint and pot boilers only.
But within Context 1 above a 'sherd of Bronze Age burial urn found'.
Identified by A.Gregory (NAU).
E. Rose (NAU), 29 November 1985.

Late 1989. Metal detecting.
Groat Henry VII. Crown with two jewelled arches.
Identified by S.Margeson (NCM).
I.M. escallop. London mint. North class III (1490 to 1504). See 1:2500.
Two Roman coins (not seen by A. Rogerson NAU).
'Pendant' on 1:2500 is not seen and should be ignored.
A. Rogerson (NLA), 10 January 1990.

November 1992-January 1993. Systematic Fieldwalking Survey.
Evaluation on proposed route of Hardwick Landfill site access road (Field 15):
Prehistoric flints.
Roman and post medieval sherds.
Finder now allocates name Gallows Hill to field several hundred yards to north, but suggests a manorial site by Bush Farm.
See report (S1) for further details. The results of this work are also summarised in (S2).
E. Rose (NLA), 11 February 1993. Amended by P. Watkins (HES), 31 March 2015.

Site of Raffles Manor (de Hemenall family) before belonging to the Prior of Little Dunmow. Possible that St Mary's Church could be in this area. 20 January 1209: sale of lands belonging to the church of St Mary in Hempnall.
Information from [1].
A. Cattermole (NLA), 6 June 2005.

Monument Types

  • SITE (Undated)
  • FINDSPOT (Prehistoric - 1000000 BC to 42 AD)
  • FINDSPOT (Late Prehistoric - 4000 BC to 42 AD)
  • CREMATION (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
  • FINDSPOT (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
  • FINDSPOT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • FINDSPOT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • MANOR (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • FINDSPOT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds

  • LITHIC IMPLEMENT (Lower Palaeolithic to Late Iron Age - 500000 BC to 42 AD)
  • POT BOILER (Lower Palaeolithic to Late Iron Age - 500000 BC to 42 AD)
  • POT (Late Prehistoric - 4000 BC to 42 AD)
  • POT (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
  • COIN (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • POT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • COIN (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • POT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • POT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Record Card: NAU Staff. 1974-1988. Norfolk Archaeological Index Primary Record Card.
---Secondary File: Secondary File.
<S1>Unpublished Contractor Report: Penn, K. 1993. Summary Report on an Archaeological Survey on the Hardwick Landfill Site Access. Norfolk Archaeological Unit.
<S2>Article in Serial: Gurney, D. (ed.). 1994. Excavations and Surveys in Norfolk 1993. Norfolk Archaeology. Vol XLII Pt I pp 115-123. p 118.

Related records - none

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