Record Details

NHER Number:14448
Type of record:Monument
Name:Site of Ranworth Old Hall


This is the site of an 16th-/17th-century house known as Ranworth Hall and its associated outbuildings. The only extant remnant is the porch or gatehouse (NHER 65126), with the rest of the building having been demolished in 1985. There is evidence that Ranworth Old Hall had occupied the site of an earlier dwelling, with pieces of reused material found on the site, including a fragment of Late Saxon or medieval interlace. At least some of this material may have come from a medieval cart shed that stands to the west (NHER 65125).
Not to be confused with 'Old House, Ranworth' (NHER 13449), which for a time was known as 'Ranworth Hall'.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 3445 1538
Map Sheet:TG31NW

Full description

Site of Ranworth Old Hall and associated outbuildings. Only a porch now survives (NHER 65126), as well as a medieval cart sherd to the west (NHER 65125).

February 1952. Ranworth Hall Listed Grade II*.
Original Listing Description excerpt:
"Part of former manor house, late 16th-century, of diapered red brick, thatch, plaintile and pantile. Eastern cross wing of two and a half storeys, formerly a wing of an earlier manor house, with two-storey service wing to west forming 'L'-shaped plan. Two-storey 19th-century porch to south at junction of cross wing and service wing. Single-storey 19th-century extensions at north end of cross wing and single storey lean-to extensions to north. Cross wing has hollow chamfer, brick, mullion and transom windows with wrought iron casements. Four-light windows at first and attic floor level on south gable. Stone hood mould above attic window. Three-light and two-light windows, and blocked two-light window on east wall. Windows have 'ashlared' mortar reveals. Other windows, 19th-century casements. Vertical brick joint marks line of rebuilt north gable. Stepped south gable with moulded brick kneeler and finial base at peak. Internal north end stack. Plaintile roof. Service wing has irregular openings to south, with western opening to hayloft, 19th-century casement windows, evidence of regular 16th-century openings at first floor level, and through passage with blocked elliptical brick arch and stone quoins. The northern entrance has 17th-century chamfered semi-circular arch recessed under a square moulded brick opening. At first floor level to north a plain chamfered oak mullion window. Parapet gable to east with corbelled out brick feature in south west angle between house and barn. Porch has polygonal corner buttresses with pointed finials. Square-headed entrance containing four-centred arched doorway with fanlight.
Interior finish mainly 19th century. Open brick fireplace with stopped and chamfered bressumer in cross wing. Brick mullion window into rear outshut. Timber-framed partition at first floor level. Stopped and chamfered bridging joists. Oak attic floor joists, double tenoned into tie beam. Southern half of floor re-set 300mm higher. Original heavy double butt purlin roof with cambered collars. Principals tied to tie beam with curved bracing members continually tenoned and pegged into principal rafter, and above into collar and below into tie beam forming upper crucks. Service wing has 16th-century oak common and bridging joists at first floor level and seven-bay clasped purlin roof.
Information from (S1).
Amended by P. Watkins (HES), 16 June 2021.

February 1952. Outbuildings at Ranworth Hall Listed Grade II.
Excerpt of original Listing Description for 'south barn attached to south-west corner of Ranworth Old Hall':
"Barn, in part late 16th century, rebuilt in late 17th-century, of diapered brick, brick and flint with thatched roofs. Five bays indicated by vent slots to east. Lower hipped roof southern section. East wall of diapered brick with vent slots and with inserted barn doors at its southern end. Inserted door and window in brickwork to south, and inserted doors in flintwork to west. North gable of 17th-century flint with vent slot near peak. Butt purlin roof."

Excerpt of original Listing Description for 'barn approximately 20m to north of Ranworth Old Hall':
"Former lodgings range of the manor house, now shortened and converted to barn. Late 16th century, of diapered brick with thatched roof. Three stead barn with continuous outshut to south. Formerly of two and a half storeys. Opposed, inserted openings for barn doors, north and south. East gable rebuilt in brick and weatherboard. Fine west gable with chamfered stone quoins with run out stops, to a height of 2.4m. Brick plinth, carved limestone kneelers and stepped gable. Blocked window opening in gable. Diagonally set brick corbel with stone finial base at apex. Blocked openings with chamfered reveals on three levels. Blocked mortices in brickwork for floor joists. Butt purlin roof. Tie beams morticed for floor joists.
Information from (S1).
P. Watkins (HES), 1 July 2021.

Remains of 16th-/17th-century hall and outbuildings on older site?
Possible remains of medieval building in outbuilding.
N.B. site formerly confused with NHER 13449.
See detailed report by E. Rose (NAU) and Norfolk Archaeological Research Group Survey in file.
To be made a controlled ruin?
E. Rose (NAU) 3 June 1982.

For further details see also (S2) in file, which has produced as part of an unsuccessful attempt to turn the building into a controlled ruin.
P. Watkins (HES), 1 July 2021.

Building demolished except for porch, which continues to be listed Grade II* (and now recorded separately as NHER 65126). The north and south barns were also demolished, the only surviving outbuilding being a medieval cart shed to the west (NHER 65125, listed Grade II in 1985)
Recorded by Norfolk Archaeological Research Group and some excavations revealed older walls.
Much reused material found including fragment of Late Saxon/medieval? interlace.
Information from A. Rogerson (NAU) 1985. Amended by P. Watkins (HES), 1 July 2021.

See press cuttings (S3) in file.
Architects drawings (pre 1992) and Norfolk Archaeological Research Group survey as large rolled plans.

February 2012.
Site visit with owner. Remains in good condition, with the ivy cleared by NCC Buildings & Landscapes a year or two ago. Active owl box internally. See digital photos.
D. Gurney (HES), 27 February 2012.

January 2014.
The Old Hall, although demolished, appears still to be listed Grade II*.
D. Gurney (HES), 24 January 2014.

27 April 2014.
An illegal rave on the site has caused damage to the porch roof.
D. Gurney (HES), 6 May 2014.

16 May 2014.
The Old Hall put forward for delisting (online application).
Heritage Crime Statement submitted to Norfolk Police with regard to the damage to the porch.
D. Gurney (HES), 16 May 2014.

10 July 2014.
Responsibility for maintenance of the porch/gatehouse passed from NCC back to the landowner.
D. Gurney (HES), 16 July 2014.

Monument Types

  • BUILDING (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • GREAT HOUSE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • UNASSIGNED (porch tower, Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds

  • ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (Late Saxon - 851 AD to 1065 AD)
  • ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Protected Status

  • Listed Building
  • Listed Building
  • Listed Building

Sources and further reading

---Aerial Photograph: TG3415 A-E,M-P,R,V,W.
---Record Card: NAU Staff. 1974-1988. Norfolk Archaeological Index Primary Record Card.
---Monograph: Pevsner, N. and Wilson, B. 1997. Norfolk 1: Norwich and North-East. The Buildings of England. 2nd Edition. p 643.
---Photograph: Ranworth Old Hall. Print.
---Photograph: Photographs of Ranworth Old Hall, Ranworth. Colour & Black and white.
---Photograph: Photographs of Ranworth Old Hall, Woodbastwick. Black & white.
---Photograph: Photographs of Ranworth Old Hall. Woobastwick. Black & white.
---Secondary File: Secondary File.
---*Rolled Plan: Large Plan Exists.
---Slide: Various. Slide.
---Photograph: ELC.
---Collection: Norfolk Historic Environment Record Staff. 1975-[2000]. HER Record Notes. Norfolk Historic Environment Service.
---Unpublished Report: [Unknown]. [unknown]. Ranworth Hall - North Barn. Building Report.
---Unpublished Document: [Unknown]. 1979. Ranworth Old Hall.
<S1>Designation: Historic England. National Heritage List for England. List Entries 1372671 (Ranworth Hall), 1154736 (South Barn) and 1303667 (North Barn).
<S2>Unpublished Report: Jeffries, C. R. 1983. The Architectural and Historic Importance of Ranworth Old Hall & Adjoining Buildings.
<S3>Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1981-1984. [Articles on the proposal to restore or demolish Ranworth Old Hall].

Related records

65125Parent of: Medieval cart shed to west of site of Ranworth Old Hall (Building)
65126Parent of: Porch formerly attached to Ranworth Old Hall (Structure)

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