Posts From April, 2015

Brecks and Mortar 

Join us for our next heritage skills workshop!
Thursday, April 9, 2015 11:46:00 AM

The Brecks is home to hundreds of historic buildings. These buildings tell us stories about the past and the people who lived in them. They also add to the character of the Brecks and serve as examples of the traditional skills used in the past.

On this training day you will learn about the different types of buildings that can be found in Breckland, from architectural historian Stephen Heywood. You will be taught the methods and techniques used to record the fabric, fixtures and fittings of historic buildings. There will also be the opportunity to practise these techniques on the day.
Tea and coffee will be provided.

This workshop is free to attend as the Breaking New Ground Landscape Partnership Scheme is supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Saturday, 25 April 2015 from 10:00 to 16:30

Mundford Village Hall
St Leonards Street
IP26 5DW

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